Thursday, April 2, 2009

Almost 23 weeks! Yikes!

Wow this pregnancy is going by soooo fast! Tomorrow I'll be 23 weeks! Last weekend we went to Babies R Us and got our little guy his crib bedding set! I was so excited! It's the only one we really fell in love with. We also got the matching wall hangings, light switch cover and lamp. We still have some other matchin pieces that we want to get though, like the rug, mobile, wall decals and night light. We also need to decide on which crib we want to get haha. There's so many to choose from! I can't wait to get the nursery all put together and for him to be here to enjoy it! July feels like FOREVER away, but my pregnancy has flown by so far! Hopefully it continues to go quickly! I think we've decided on a name...which is a huge step for us LOL. Well I just wanted to post a quick update. I'm going to go finish some laundry then start dinner soon. Hope everyone's having a great week!

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