Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The best feeling!!

Lately the baby has been moving like crazy! I swear it feels like he's doing flips haha. I love feeling him move and now I'm not as worried anymore because at first I wasn't feeling very much movement, but now he's all over the place! I still am waiting to feel some hard kicks though because I don't even think I've felt any kicks yet. It's just been movement. It's so hard to tell though lol. I have my next OB appointment on the 26th and I'm excited for it. I'm sure my doctor will do another ultrasound and I'm hoping my placenta has moved up so I can stop worrying about it. I'm also going to ask him when he plans to induce me. I wouldn't mind if it was at 38 weeks haha. So we'll see! I'll update everyone after my appointment.

Besides feeling the baby move there really hasn't been anything new going on with me. I start my next class April 6th and it's Medical Transcription Basic so hopefully that goes well. Chris and I are still trying to decide on a name. It's so tough! I found out one my cousins (she's like a 2nd or 3rd cousin lol) is naming her baby Jackson and that's what I wanted (and she knew it) so now I'm trying to decide if we should still consider using it or pick a different name. We've got a name list going so maybe I'll find a name that I love just as much as Jackson. This morning I woke up with the urge to clean lol. I did a bunch of laundry and cleaned almost the whole house (except our bedroom). I guess I just got a burst of energy haha. Well I better get going I need to clean/organize our room.

1 comment:

suzzanna said...

I'm 22 weeks and I have been feeling a few kicks here and there but I dont think shes moving around like your little guy.I read somewhere that drinking orange juice and lying down on your left side will cause the baby to move. I think I'll try it too see if it works. I like the name Jackson! I think its vey cute.