Friday, January 30, 2009

14 weeks!!!

Today I am 14 weeks! I am at the start of my 2nd trimester and the begining of my 4th month! Wow! I can't believe how fast it's gone by so far! I hope the rest of my pregnancy goes by this fast haha. My all day "morning" sickness seems to be going away and I haven't had as many headaches. I have had a million cravings though! They are so random! Last week I was driving down I-5 when all the sudden I had to have blueberries! haha. I went grocery shopping today because we're having Travis and Monica over to watch the game Sunday and I got lots of good stuff to make. It's not good to go grocery shopping when you have cravings haha. Chris is on his way home from Yakima right now. He just had to go on a day trip and he should be back home hopefully in about an hour. I'm glad he wont be gone for the night! I'm still waiting to hear back from the ADC Clinic to find out when my ultrasound is! I think I'll call them on Monday. Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)

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