Thursday, February 19, 2009

16 weeks and 6 days!!!

Tomorrow I will be 17 weeks! Woo Hoo!! Today I had an OB appointment and it went great! We got another ultrasound (Dr, Batig does one at every appointment..he's awesome) and he said the baby looked great! The baby was VERY active and kept moving arond. He also said the heart beat was strong (which we got to hear again). He was going to try and see if we could see the sex today but the ultrasound machines they have in the OB clinic aren't that great and we couldn't get it at the right angle to tell. So we'll just have to wait 2 weeks until we go to the ADC Clinic for our ultrasound appointment. Hopefully these next two weeks go by fast! I was so nervous before my appointment today. I felt sick I was worried that they would have something similar happen to this baby like it did with Carson but thank God everything looks great. I was soooo relieved after my appointment! Well I better get to bed.. I have a horrible headache so I need to try and get some sleep. Hope everyone has a great night!

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