Went GREAT!! Dr. Batig (the best doctor EVER) said that everything looks perfect. I was a little nervous at frist because when he started the ultrasound he got really quiet and didn't say anything so I started thinking the worst of course but then he said "I'm just trying to get a good picture". I didn't relax all the way until he showed us the heart beat and then we got to listen to it! He said it sounds great! I was so happy that everything was going okay! I go back for my next appointment Feb. 19th and hopefully I'll have my ultrasound the last week of Feb around the 27th. I should find out the exact date by next week hopefully. I can't wait to go in for it! Dr. Batig gave us 3 pictures and the baby is already so much bigger than it was last time! I can't wait to see the difference on our next one! He said the baby was being stubborn lol but then all the sudden it started moving around and being really active. I was also happy that I'll be seeing Dr. Batig at my next appointment. Usually with the military you pretty much see different doctors each time. They're all on your team but you hardly ever get to see the same one at each appointment. Dr. Batig said I'll keep seeing him. I'm really happy about that because he knows our history with Carson because he was the one who has been there for us. He's a really caring doctor and doesn't try to rush you through your appointments and always asks if I have any questions. I'm soooo glad he's our doctor! As of today I'm 11 weeks and 6 days and so far I've gained almost 1 pound lol. He said he'd like me to gain 30 lbs this pregnancy and said I'll gain the last 15 of it more towards the end. I'm going to keep up my exercise so I look pregnant and not like a whale lol. Well I just wanted to give everyone an update and I'm going to go eat some crackers lol I'm starving!
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