Tuesday, June 9, 2009

32 weeks and 4 days!

I can't believe I'm in my 8th month already! Now I just need these next few weeks to fly by lol. I had another doctor appointment today. I haven't gained anything since my last appointment which was a shock because I feel like all I do is eat! lol Jaxon looked great, but he is still breech. My next appointment is in 3 weeks and if he hasn't flipped by then we will talk about a c-section. If he does flip than I'm still being induced at 39 weeks. I have a feeling that he's still going to be breech but we'll see! Other than that I've been feeling pretty good. I've been really tired, but feeling good. My hips and pelvis are starting to hurt when I walk though. Luckly I don't have the preg waddle..at least I don't think I do. I had to see a different doctor today than my usual one because he's getting ready to go to Alaska for a month for some Army thing. The doctor I saw today said the same thing Dr. Batig did last time.. that I'm not very big.. my belly is small. LOL Hopefully it wont take me that long to work off! They guessing Jaxon is going to be a big baby but I'm hoping he's 9 lbs. at the most. I'd really like him to be like 7 or 8 lbs though haha. Well I better go finish some homework. I just wanted to make a quick post since I haven't been on in forever. Hope everyone's having a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He needs to flip because I'd like to see him being born...just so I know what I'm in for! Haha