I'M PREGNANT!!!!!! My period was due today and I had a feeling that I was going to get a negative test result so I didn't even want to test. I woke up this morning at 4:30 and didn't have to pee so after I layed there for 15 minutes I realized I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't take the test. I went and drank a couple glasses of water then took the test. My heart was pounding so fast just thinking about the results. I had to go in the other room so I wouldn't peak at it early. lol When I went back into the bathroom and picked up the test there was my positive result! I was so shocked!! I started crying I was so happy!! I can't believe God has blessed us again! We are so lucky! I just hope this pregnancy goes smoothly. I honestly can't handle losing another baby to either miscarriage or another still birth. It's just too hard. I am so excited about being pregnant. After I found out this morning I wasn't able to go back to sleep so I surfed the internet and found out that my estimated due date is Tuesday August 4th 2009! It really is amazing that God answered our prayers. Tomorrow is Carson's due date so of course November is a hard month for us and to be blessed with a new baby on the way is going to help make this month a little easier. Not to mention the new baby is also due in August a week before Carson was born. I think Carson is watching over us and really wanted this to happen! I am so excited about being pregnant again but I am also so scared and nervous at the same time. I have already said countless prayers that everything will go okay. On December 10th I have two doctor's appointments. The first one is with my high risk OB and he's going to do an ultrasound to make sure the pregnancy is viable. If it is (Which I have faith that it will be) then he's going to put me on my blood thinners. My second appointment is just an intake appointment where I fill out TONS of paperwork and get blood work done. So far I've only told my two best friends Tiffany and Christy. I also told my good friend Erin. Chris has told a couple of his friends but other than that no one knows. We're going to wait til after out appointment on the 10th to start telling people. I might even wait to tell my parents and brother until Christmas so we can do something neat to tell them. We'll see! I'm keeping Tiffany in my prayers every night. I hope she gets pregnant this next month so we can be pregnant together!! Well I better get to bed I've been up since 4:30 am and I have a second interview tomorrow at that weight loss place! I really hope I get the job! Hope everyone has a great night!!
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