Here is an ultrasound picture of Jaxon at 28 weeks. His cheeks are already so chubby! lol He is already weighing in at 3lbs. 3oz.! I can't wait for July to get here so I can meet him! I'm going to talk to my doctor at my next appointment on the 19th and see what he has to say about him already being big. Maybe he'll induce me earlier than planned. I hope so lol. Jaxon is VERY active.. especially in the morning and evening. Every time poor Chris tries to feel him kicking or moving he stops lol. He's already stubborn like his mommy! :) We need to finish up his nursery and get all his clothes washed. I think we'll be doing that over the next month.
Today has been 9 months since Carson was born. :( We miss him soooo much. I can't believe it's already been so long since we last held him. It seems like it was just yesterday! I know Carson is up in Heaven looking down on us but I just wish he could be here with us. He's going to be little Jaxon's gaurdian angel :) I love you Carson!!!
Chris is still trying to decide if he's going re-enlist or not. Right now it looks like he'll be getting out of the Army and joining the reserves. If that does happen we'll move down to Longview and he'll get a job. I'm excited but nervous about him getting out. I think it will be nice to be back in Longview but this will be a big change for us. He's been in the Army since he graduated high school so it will be an adjustment. I'm sure we'll be just fine though. I'm excited to move into a house and not have to share walls with anyone anymore lol. If he does get out we'll be moving to Longvie probably mid September.
Well I just wanted to write a quick update since I haven't been on in so long. I hope all the mommies had a great Mother's Day! Especially Tiffany :)...since it's her first one! :)
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