Ugggh I can't wait to find out what this baby is! I am going crazy!!! I want to go shopping soooo bad lol. I added a picture to this post of the travel system we get when I was pregnant with Carson. I LOVE it! We'll be using it for this baby too. I can't wait to buy the matching pack n' play, high chair and swing! Not only do I want to shop but I want to start picking out names! I figured we'd wait until we found out what we're having so we can focus on just boy names or just girl names.
I've been having dreams lately that this baby is a girl. I also tried the old wives tale where you put your wedding ring on a string and lay flat on your back and hold it over your tummy, and if it goes back and forth the baby is a boy. If it goes in circles the baby is a girl. Both times I tried it the ring went in circles. So we'll find out if that really works on March 6th lol. I don't care either way. I just want a healthy baby!! Boy or girl will do :)
Oh and I almost forgot! This morning I was laying in bed and I felt this bumping feeling. I think it was the baby moving! It was weird and something I'd never felt before. It's around the time that I'd feel flutters since I'll be 16 weeks on Friday. I can't wait to feel more movement and feel some kicks! My belly is getting bigger and I LOVE it! I can't wait to have the big ol' pregnancy belly. Well I better get back to studying for my final. I just wanted to get on here real quick since I haven't been on in a few days :)
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