Today I am already 18 weeks! I can't wait until my ultrasound on March 6th. One week to go until we find out what we're having! YAY! I keep having a feeling that it's going to be a girl but some how deep down I think it's another boy. If that makes sense lol. Honestly either way I don't care. I just want a healthy baby to bring home from the hospital! I can't believe I'm almost halfway done with my pregnancy! Woo Hoo! Hopefully this next week goes by fast!
Right now I am SOOOOOO annoyed with my neighbors dogs. I'm sitting in my bedroom which faces the backyard and their little yappy dogs have been outside barking NON-STOP for the last half hour! Last night it was 10:30 and we were sleeping when they decided to let their dogs outside and bark non-stop for over 20 minutes. I finally opened the window and told them to be quiet which only worked for like 2 minutes. I am so fed up with their barking. EVERY single time they let these dang dogs outside they bark non-stop. Not just once or twice the ENTIRE time they're out. It's sooo annoying. Last night I was tempted to go knock on their door and tell them to shut their dogs up. We've never really talked to them otherwise I would probably feel more comfortable talking to them about their dogs. I have two dogs myself so I understand barking dogs but I just can't stand dogs who bark allllll the damn time. It's horrible.
Ugh sorry just had to get that out lol. Tomorrow Chris and I are going to see Watchman on post because they're offering a free showing of it. We also need to get the oil changed in our car. Sunday we might go to the outlet malls and get Chris some new PT shoes at the Nike store. We might wait until next weekend to do that though because then we'll know what we're having so we can do some baby shopping since they have a Gymboree and Carters lol. Well I think I'm gonna get off here and yell at the annoying neighbor dogs. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Pregnancy headaches are the WORST. The past week or so I've been getting a headache...well more like a migraine every single day and they last for hours! Today it's been horrible. I've had it for almost 6 hours now and my head is just pounding. I've always gotten bad migraines but these are by far worse. Luckily I am over my morning sickness and I have more energy but these headaches are not fun! I've also had a lot of back pain lately which makes sleeping difficult. I've been thinking about getting a pregnancy pillow but for now I've been using a body pillow when I sleep to try and make me more comfortable. People are starting to be able to tell that I'm pregnant and not fat haha. Today I got a sandwhich at Subway and the woman working there asked if I was having a boy or a girl. When I told her we don't find out until March 6th she said she thinks I'm having a girl because I'm carrying low but I could be having a boy because of the shape of my belly lol. So who knows! I just can't wait to find out! I love shopping haha. Well I think I'm going to go lay down and try to get this headache to go away. I just hope it's gone by morning so I can work out! Goodnight!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Today we got our tax return money back! I would loooove to put it all in savings but we need to get new tires for our car :( I called around and the best deal I found was at Discount Tires, so we have an appointment there tomorrow at 10:00. It's going to cost well over $500.00 which is CRAZY, but we need new tires badly. At least we're getting it out of the way now lol.
Today I'm 17 weeks pregnant and I've been feeling great! I had slacked off on my work outs this week while my parents were visiting so today I got back to working out. I went on my treadmill for 30 minutes and I had so much energy afterwards. I usually work out Mon-Fri but I think since I slacked off this week I'll work out Saturday and Sunday too. I need to really commit to this so I stay in shape as much as possible while pregnant lol. And I've heard that by working out it makes labor easier...which would be nice! haha. I guess you could say it's my New Years resolution.
Oh, I almost forgot! I am soooo freaking excited! One of my best friends Christy who moved to Colorado at the end of October is going to be coming home to visit! She should be here this weekend and I am so excited to hang out with her and see her kiddos! They've gotten so big! It will be awesome to have Tiffany, Christy and I hanging out again! Just like the old days lol. I can't wait!! Well I just wanted to post before I watch some news and head to bed. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Today I'm 17 weeks pregnant and I've been feeling great! I had slacked off on my work outs this week while my parents were visiting so today I got back to working out. I went on my treadmill for 30 minutes and I had so much energy afterwards. I usually work out Mon-Fri but I think since I slacked off this week I'll work out Saturday and Sunday too. I need to really commit to this so I stay in shape as much as possible while pregnant lol. And I've heard that by working out it makes labor easier...which would be nice! haha. I guess you could say it's my New Years resolution.
Oh, I almost forgot! I am soooo freaking excited! One of my best friends Christy who moved to Colorado at the end of October is going to be coming home to visit! She should be here this weekend and I am so excited to hang out with her and see her kiddos! They've gotten so big! It will be awesome to have Tiffany, Christy and I hanging out again! Just like the old days lol. I can't wait!! Well I just wanted to post before I watch some news and head to bed. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
16 weeks and 6 days!!!
Tomorrow I will be 17 weeks! Woo Hoo!! Today I had an OB appointment and it went great! We got another ultrasound (Dr, Batig does one at every appointment..he's awesome) and he said the baby looked great! The baby was VERY active and kept moving arond. He also said the heart beat was strong (which we got to hear again). He was going to try and see if we could see the sex today but the ultrasound machines they have in the OB clinic aren't that great and we couldn't get it at the right angle to tell. So we'll just have to wait 2 weeks until we go to the ADC Clinic for our ultrasound appointment. Hopefully these next two weeks go by fast! I was so nervous before my appointment today. I felt sick I was worried that they would have something similar happen to this baby like it did with Carson but thank God everything looks great. I was soooo relieved after my appointment! Well I better get to bed.. I have a horrible headache so I need to try and get some sleep. Hope everyone has a great night!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day!!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! I hope everyone had an amazing day! Chris and I didn't do much today. We slept in then ran some errands and went to the commissary for some grocery shopping. We got lots of yummy stuff! haha. We decided to stay in tonight instead of going out to dinner. I'm going to make a really great pasta dish with salad and garlic bread and we'll have strawberry shortcake for desert. After that we'll probably watch the new movie we got from Netflix yesterday. Just a nice relaxing night at home! Well I think I'm gonna go start dinner!! Hope everyone has a great night!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I can't wait to buy more baby stuff!!!

Ugggh I can't wait to find out what this baby is! I am going crazy!!! I want to go shopping soooo bad lol. I added a picture to this post of the travel system we get when I was pregnant with Carson. I LOVE it! We'll be using it for this baby too. I can't wait to buy the matching pack n' play, high chair and swing! Not only do I want to shop but I want to start picking out names! I figured we'd wait until we found out what we're having so we can focus on just boy names or just girl names.
I've been having dreams lately that this baby is a girl. I also tried the old wives tale where you put your wedding ring on a string and lay flat on your back and hold it over your tummy, and if it goes back and forth the baby is a boy. If it goes in circles the baby is a girl. Both times I tried it the ring went in circles. So we'll find out if that really works on March 6th lol. I don't care either way. I just want a healthy baby!! Boy or girl will do :)
Oh and I almost forgot! This morning I was laying in bed and I felt this bumping feeling. I think it was the baby moving! It was weird and something I'd never felt before. It's around the time that I'd feel flutters since I'll be 16 weeks on Friday. I can't wait to feel more movement and feel some kicks! My belly is getting bigger and I LOVE it! I can't wait to have the big ol' pregnancy belly. Well I better get back to studying for my final. I just wanted to get on here real quick since I haven't been on in a few days :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
15 weeks!
Wow I can't believe I'm already 15 weeks pregnant! It's gone by fast so far! :) I've been feeling great! My morning sickness is basically gone. I feel a little icky in the mornings but as soon as I get up and eat some toast and make a strawberry banana smoothie I feel better. I've even been able to work out. I started working out again on Monday and so far I've worked out everyday (except yesterday). I'm excited to find out what we're having! I can't wait. Either way I don't care as long as the baby is healthy! I got to see Tiffany on Wednesday. We went out to lunch with Heather and it was a lot of fun! I'm so happy Tiffany and I get to be pregnant together! Our due dates are almost a month apart! :)
I've been a little stressed lately because I have finals next week for my Medical Terminology 2 class. This week I was busy finishing up my homework for the class and studying for my finals. When I'm done with my finals I'll have a little break from school because my next class wont start until the beginning of March. Woo Hoo!
Today we're heading up to my parents house so my dad can do our taxes for us. We'll stay there for the weekend then head back in the early afternoon on Sunday. They still have some snow up there so the dogs will be happy to play in the snow. They LOVE the snow! Last time we were there they had almost 4 feet of snow and the dogs would just sink in it when they tried to walk lol. Well I better get going I need to pack for the weekend and get everything ready to go so we can head out when Chris gets off work. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I've been a little stressed lately because I have finals next week for my Medical Terminology 2 class. This week I was busy finishing up my homework for the class and studying for my finals. When I'm done with my finals I'll have a little break from school because my next class wont start until the beginning of March. Woo Hoo!
Today we're heading up to my parents house so my dad can do our taxes for us. We'll stay there for the weekend then head back in the early afternoon on Sunday. They still have some snow up there so the dogs will be happy to play in the snow. They LOVE the snow! Last time we were there they had almost 4 feet of snow and the dogs would just sink in it when they tried to walk lol. Well I better get going I need to pack for the weekend and get everything ready to go so we can head out when Chris gets off work. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Monday, February 2, 2009
I finally have my ultrasound appointment made! My doctor wanted me to have it done early at 17.5 weeks to 18 weeks because of what happened with Carson. Well the ADC Clinic (where the ultrasounds are done) will not schedule you unless you're coming in at 19-22 weeks. They said in order for me to come in early my doctor would have to send them a referral and then the chief of that department or whatever would either approve or deny it. Well today my doctor called me and they DENIED it! I couldn't believe it! I guess my son being still born isn't a good enough reason for them. Who freaking knows! My doctor told me to call the clinic back and schedule one for 19 weeks and if I had any problems to let him know and he'd call in. So after waiting for the last 2 weeks for a date my ultrasound is going to be on Friday March 6th at 9:00 AM. I will be exactly 19 weeks that day. I'm excited and I'm not too bummed since it's only a week later than what my doctor had wanted. I was 19.5 weeks with Carson when we found out he was a boy. I'm excited but very very nervous at the same time for this appointment. The last time I had an ultrasound done at the ADC Clinic we found out Carson didn't have a heart beat. I can't pray enough that doesn't happen again! I was so freaked out at my last appointment when my doctor did an ultrasound that my heart was beating so fast and I felt like I was going to throw up. I was soooo relieved when he said there's the heart beat and then we got to listen to it. I really hope that this baby is healthy! I can't help but to worry about it! Anyways I just wanted to let everyone know that we finally have an appointment made!! :) YAY!!!!!!!!!
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